Monday, July 2, 2007

Tupperware 2007 July Special :)

The sales that you have been waiting for .... The Mooncake Festival Package at 40% discount :) and more giveaway & discount for BeautiControl items ....

Scroll down and check it out for yourself.

Call to order at 9788 2060 the giveaway are available only while stock last ^^

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

You name it we have it ... Sporty, Cutie, Feasible, etc....

All sizes and type of liquid tight Tupperware just to suit your personality and needs.

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

Microwave and Reheatable Tupperware :)

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

Air tight Tupperware ... ^^ .......

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

for the Kitchen....
please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

TupperChef :)

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

The BeautiControl giveaway .....
Call to order at 9788 2060 the giveaway are available only while stock last ^^

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

Daily Cleaning ....

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

Scents and make up....

please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^
Best Seller ....
please click on this picture to see a larger picture ^^

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