Monday, August 27, 2007

Why Use Tupperware (Promotion)

Why USE Tupperware?
Promotion 1 to 14 Sept

Safe ^^ .... Innovative :) ... Durable^^ ...Environment Friendly :) and it's Lifetime Warranty ^^

Please order early and call 9788 2060 to avoid disappointment :)

Click to enlarge the photo

Your Family's Health Matters!

Use Tupperware Water Containers

Save 15 to 35% and some purchase with giveaway ^^

Please order early and call 9788 2060 to avoid disappointment :)

Click to enlarge the photo

Evironment Friendly save 35% and

LifeTime Warranty

Please order early and call 9788 2060 to avoid disappointment :)

Click to enlarge the photo

Microware with Tuppperware

... save 30% ^^

** It's Convenient, Fast and Safe! **

Please order early and call 9788 2060 to avoid disappointment :)

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